Mount Pearl Minor Baseball/Baseball NL Provincial Tournament Player Eligibility:
Players must be of the proper age for their division. A player can be younger for the division but not older. See the league registration form for the age groups for each division.
Players must also be a resident of either, Mount Pearl, Southlands or Brookfield Plains to qualify. Players from other associations may be considered if that association is not entering any team in the same division in a provincial tournament and if Baseball NL determines that it is the next closest association. . (i.e. A Peewee player from Paradise is eligible when Paradise does not have a Peewee AAA, AA or A team).
A player from any division may also play more than one provincial tournament provided they do not conflict on the same weekend and provided they are eligible under the above guidelines, however, from a Mount Pearl Minor Baseball standpoint, this will be discouraged as we try to have participation from as many kids as we can. If a coach is requesting a player to play on a second Provincial Team, this must be brought to the executive and we will make decisions on a case by case basis.
If we do not follow the above guidelines, we risk embarrassment at Provincial Tournaments as an association, team and the individual player.
Baseball NFLD has designated Mount Pearl as a major baseball centre and the first team to apply for a Baseball NL Provincial tournament in any division must be AAA
A minimum of 11 players must be selected to any team. Mosquito AAA teams must have 12.
Only players that have participated in the initial try-outs for All - Star teams will be selected with the following exceptions:
1.Injuries or other Medical reasons why a player cannot attend try outs
Players must attend 50% of practices to be eligible for the Provincial tournament.
Players must wear white pants. Team hats and jerseys are supplied by the association.
Player's must commit to attending the Provincial Tournament and the Atlantics if they qualify. Failure to commit other than medical/injury reasons, the player will not be allowed to play all-star the following year.
If a player backs out of an All-Star team without good reason (i.e. injury or family issues) then that player will go back to house league and not be eligible to play a provincial tournament with another team. Player will not be allowed to play all-star the following season.
Any addition to a roster because another player is taken off the roster is still subject to the above selection rules.
Team Responsibilities:
Coaches must have a Level I certification from Baseball NL to coach in the provincial and Atlantic Tournaments and a Level II certification for Atlantic National tournaments.
Team manager's must collect all-star fees ($125.00) for all players prior to jerseys and hats being distributed.
All rosters must be sent to the executive to be approved before they are sent to Baseball NL.
All fund raising is the responsibility of the team.